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Choosing a challenging and fulfilling academic setting – then gaining admission to that college or university – can be a daunting task, a complex endeavor that requires specialized knowledge and insights often beyond the scope of student and family. Mallory, Baron, Ross, Kindler & Adeosun offers a single resource to help resolve your many questions and concerns.

Curriculum Planning/Pre-College Counseling

For students engaging in College Counseling services during their Freshman and Sophomore years of high school, we provide on-going curriculum planning, activity and extra-curricular planning and counseling sessions. We answer any initial questions regarding the college admission process and test preparation, as a student and their family begin to look at programs and campuses. (Note – colleges are not recommended at this time.)

All families begin with Initial Parent & Student Planning Meetings at the time of engagement.

College Counseling Programs

Our clients who engaged in services during their early high schools, as well as those who join as upperclassmen, begin our Full College Counseling program in their junior year.

Initially, we meet separately with you and your child to gain a clear picture of the goals and expectations each of you has for his or her educational future (this is in addition to an initial consult in their freshman/sophomore year). A battery of inventories designed to make an appraisal of interests and personality characteristics is administered to each student. Transcripts, college admissions tests, and results of the inventories are carefully reviewed before initiating research into appropriate schools. A follow-up meeting to discuss our recommendations and descriptions of suitable colleges follows.

The program becomes more involved in the second semester of junior year, culminating in essay writing workshops in the summer between junior and senior year. The program also includes:

Individual critiquing of college essays, following the essay writing workshops
Individualized advice concerning test preparation
Role playing preparation for college admissions interviews
Additional meetings and phone consultation throughout the college application process
Assistance in making your final decision after acceptances

Inquiries Welcome for Class of 2025, 2026 & 2027 Rosters

We are currently accepting inquiries for the Class of 2025, 2026 and 2027. Please email for more information & to schedule your intake call. Initial meetings will not be scheduled until an intake call has been completed (this is a complimentary call).

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