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There is a growing population of young people who, despite academic ability, fail to achieve their potential – scholastically, socially and developmentally – due to emotional, psychological and/or behavioral issues.

Through a careful assessment of the student’s history, family dynamics and issues such as peer relationships, academic performance and emotional development, we are able to recommend carefully screened options which include emotional growth boarding schools, young adult in transition programs, residential treatment centers, therapeutic wilderness programs and summer intervention programs.

Frequent visits to these schools, as well as extensive follow-up with families and students who are utilizing them, enable us to carefully evaluate each school/program and its appropriateness for children, adolescents and their families.

Initially, we meet separately with you and then with your child to gain a clear picture of their specific needs. In order to analyze the individual student’s needs, we utilize information gained from previous testing, clinical information, as well as feedback from various professionals who have, and are currently working with your child. Once the research is complete, a follow-up meeting will be arranged to discuss various placement options.


Please note: All our clients begin with a complimentary intake call with our Director of Operations, to learn more about your child and where you are in the process. Our therapeutic practice works with students from elementary-college age, as well as adults.

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